I’d prefer a Medicare option with a fixed monthly premium and low or no out-of-pocket expenses. I’d prefer a Medicare option where you pay for care as needed with a low or no monthly premium.
I’m okay with seeing a doctor in a defined network if it saves me time and money and includes routine wellness checkups and care coordination. I’d like the flexibility to choose any doctor and schedule my own care, even if it costs me more.
I’m interested in a Medicare option that helps manage chronic conditions like diabetes, heart failure and lung disease. I’m not interested in a Medicare option that helps manage chronic conditions.
I’d like to keep all of my coverage, including prescription drug coverage, under one plan with protection for unexpected costs. I’m okay managing different types of coverage, including prescription drug coverage, and planning for unexpected costs.
I’d like a Medicare option with valuable extras like dental, vision, hearing and fitness bundled with medical coverage. I don’t need a Medicare option with extras like dental, vision, hearing and fitness and prefer to cover those benefits myself.